Saturday, February 10, 2024
A neat thing pianists can do is play both melody and harmony. Most instruments can’t do this.
As a pianist, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of both melody and harmony — that is, both the foreground and background of music.
Knowledge of both treble and bass clef also helps. Many instruments only use the treble clef, but if you decide to pick up the tuba later on, that bass clef knowledge will come in handy.
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
With LINER, Amboss aims to encourage enterprise adoption of the Lightning Network by demonstrating the cost savings and low-risk yield potential offered by Lightning-enabled payment infrastructure. The index provides a clear incentive for large bitcoin holders to utilize self-custodial strategies and earn higher returns while minimizing risk. To access more information about Amboss and LINER, interested parties can check out the overview and
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
With greater understanding or appreciation for ML and AI, it’s easier to dispel the myths that may leave doubt about their full potential and to responsibly apply these productive solutions. A Tableau blog post recently explored three common machine learning misconceptions—reviewing them will help you discern fact from fiction in all the industry noise.

For anyone ready to embrace these models and put them to work, Andrew Beers, CTO at Tableau Software, wrote about how to effectively and responsibly apply AI techniques taking cues from brands such as Box, eBay, OpenTable, and Slack. And the rise of explainable AI (i.e. techniques in AI which can be trusted and easily understood) topped Tableau’s 2019 annual report of influential BI trends, signaling that more organizations are putting these trained, data-driven models to use in how they operate and solve complex challenges.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Whether you’re trying to do your part for the environment or save more at the pump, purchasing an electric vehicle is a big step forward. For many drivers who finally make the switch or businesses that commit to electrifying their fleets, it’s a significant decision. 
Thursday, May 25, 2023
A Tesla Model Y owner sheds light on range anxiety, service, tire wear, charging times, and other potential dealbreakers
Thursday, May 25, 2023
In November 2022, Qatar’s $6.5 billion investment in a major soccer tournament placed the region under a global spotlight. With record spectator attendance and worldwide audience viewing figures, the megaevent created a halo effect for Qatar and the Middle East and North African sports sector. With Qatari officials preparing to host and invest in future global events, what does the region’s burgeoning sports sector offer businesses and long-term investors?